

  • What Is Foil Stamping?

    What Is Foil Stamping?

         The foil stamping process is a printing process commonly used in packaging design. It does not need to use ink in the production process. The hot-stamped metal graphics show a strong metallic luster, and the colors are bright and dazzling, which will never fade. The brightness of bronzing gr...
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  • Gold and silver cardboard printing

    Gold and silver cardboard printing

    Gold and silver cardboard is a special kind of paper. It is divided into two types: bright gold cardboard and dumb gold cardboard, bright silver cardboard and dumb silver cardboard; it has very high gloss, bright colors, full layers, and the surface beam has the effect o...
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  • The effect of good packaging on the brand

    The effect of good packaging on the brand

    Packaging is the visual carrier of the brand, and the product can also be used to promote the brand. Any connection between the customer and the product that the brand can promote. If the customer who sees the product on the shelf buys the product, when the customer opens the package, uses the p...
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  • The arrival of the KOMORI six-color printing press

    The arrival of the KOMORI six-color printing press

    The arrival of the KOMORI six-color printing press has injected fresh blood into our printing factory, greatly expanding the range of substrates, and can meet the special surface treatment effects of cosmetics and other printed materials, such as the reverse effect of sp...
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