What is ISO14001 certification?

What is ISO14001 certification?

What is ISO14001 certification?

ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems first released by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1996. It is applicable to any type and size of enterprise or organization, including service-oriented and productive enterprises or organizations.

ISO 14001 requires enterprises or organizations to consider their environmental factors such as exhaust gas, wastewater, waste, etc., and then formulate corresponding management procedures and measures to control these environmental impacts.

First, the purpose of ISO 14001 certification is:

1. Help enterprises or organizations identify and control environmental impacts and reduce environmental risks.

ISO 14001 requires enterprises or organizations to identify the impact of their activities, products and services on the environment, determine the risks associated with them, and take corresponding measures to control them.

2. Improve environmental performance.

ISO 14001 requires enterprises or organizations to establish environmental goals and indicators, which prompts organizations to continuously improve environmental management performance, improve resource utilization efficiency, and reduce pollutant emissions.

3. Integrate environmental management.

ISO 14001 requires that the environmental management system be organically integrated into the business processes and high-level decision-making of enterprises or organizations, making environmental management a part of daily work.

4. Comply with regulatory requirements.

ISO 14001 requires enterprises or organizations to identify, obtain and comply with laws, regulations and other requirements related to their environment. This helps reduce the risk of violations and ensure environmental compliance.

5. Improve image. ISO 14001 certification can highlight the environmental responsibility and image of enterprises or organizations, and demonstrate their determination and actions to protect the environment. This is conducive to gaining more trust from customers, society and the market.


Second, the core elements of SO 14001 include:

1. Environmental policy:

The organization should develop a clear environmental policy that demonstrates its commitment to environmental protection, compliance with regulations and continuous improvement.

2. Planning:

Environmental review: Identify the environmental impact of the organization (such as exhaust emissions, wastewater discharge, resource consumption, etc.).

Legal requirements: Identify and ensure compliance with all relevant environmental laws and regulations and other requirements.

Goals and indicators: Set clear environmental goals and performance indicators to guide environmental management.

Environmental management plan: Develop a specific action plan to achieve the set environmental goals and indicators.

3. Implementation and operation:

Resources and responsibilities: Allocate necessary resources and clarify the responsibilities and authorities of environmental management.

Capacity, training and awareness: Ensure that employees have the necessary environmental management knowledge and skills and improve their environmental awareness.

Communication: Establish internal and external communication channels to ensure that relevant parties understand the organization's environmental management work.

Document control: Ensure the validity and traceability of documents related to environmental management.

Operational control: Control the organization's environmental impact through procedures and operating specifications.

4. Inspection and Corrective Action:

Monitoring and Measurement: Regularly monitor and measure environmental performance to ensure the achievement of goals and targets.

Internal Audit: Regularly conduct internal audits to evaluate the conformity and effectiveness of the EMS.

Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive Action: Identify and address nonconformities, and take corrective and preventive measures.

5. Management Review:

Management should regularly review the operation of the EMS, evaluate its applicability, adequacy and effectiveness, and promote continuous improvement.


Third, How to obtain ISO14001 certification


1. Sign a contract with a certification body.

Sign a contract with a certification body. The organization should understand the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard and develop an implementation plan, including forming a project team, conducting training and preliminary environmental review.

2. Training and document preparation.

Relevant personnel receive ISO 14001 standard training, prepare environmental manuals, procedures and guidance documents, etc. According to the ISO 14001 standard, establish and implement an environmental management system, including formulating environmental policies, objectives, management procedures and control measures.

3. Document review.

Submit the information to Quanjian Certification for review.

4. On-site audit.

The certification body sends auditors to conduct an audit and evaluation of the on-site environmental management system.

5. Rectification and assessment.

According to the audit results, if there are any non-conformities, make rectifications, and make a final assessment after satisfactory rectification.

6. Issue a certificate.

Enterprises that pass the audit will be issued an ISO 14001 environmental management system certification certificate. If the audit is passed, the certification body will grant the ISO 14001 certification certificate, which is usually valid for three years and requires annual supervision and audit.

7. Supervision and audit.

After the certificate is issued, the company needs to be supervised and audited regularly every year to ensure the continuous and effective operation of the system.

8. Re-certification audit.

Re-certification audit is carried out within 3-6 months before the expiration of the certificate, and the certificate is re-issued after the audit is passed.

9. Continuous improvement.

The company continuously inspects and improves the environmental management system through regular self-audits during the certification cycle.

Forth, Benefits of applying for ISO14001:

1. Enhance market competitiveness.

ISO 14001 certification can prove that corporate environmental management meets international standards, which will help companies or organizations enter new markets, put them in a favorable position in competition, and gain more customer trust.

2. Reduce environmental risks.

The ISO 14001 system requires the identification and control of environmental impacts and risks, which can minimize the occurrence of environmental accidents and avoid serious environmental losses and negative impacts.

3. Improve resource utilization efficiency.

The ISO 14001 system requires setting resource protection and conservation goals and monitoring resource use and consumption. This helps enterprises or organizations choose more efficient technologies and processes, improve resource utilization, and achieve energy conservation and emission reduction.

4. Improve environmental performance.

ISO 14001 requires the establishment of environmental goals and indicators and continuous improvement. This encourages enterprises to continuously strengthen pollution prevention and control, reduce environmental load, and make greater contributions to environmental protection.

5. Improve management level.

The establishment of the ISO 14001 system will help improve management procedures, clarify the division of responsibilities, and continuously improve work processes. This can significantly improve the scientific and institutional level of corporate environmental management.

6. Enhance regulatory compliance.

ISO 14001 requires identifying relevant laws and regulations and complying with them. This helps enterprises or organizations establish a compliant environmental management system, minimize violations, and avoid penalties and losses.

7. Establish an environmental image.

ISO 14001 certification demonstrates the environmentally friendly image of an enterprise or organization that attaches great importance to environmental protection and assumes responsibility. This is conducive to gaining support and trust from the government, communities and the public.

8. Risk management

Identify and manage environmental risks to reduce the occurrence of accidents and emergencies.

9. Employee participation

 Improve employees’ environmental awareness and participation and promote corporate culture change.

Post time: Jul-01-2024